Provider Relations LTSS HCBS Map
Provider Relations Long Term Support Service (LTSS) / Home & Community Based Service (HCBS) Map
- Barber
- Barton
- Brown
- Cheyenne
- Clark
- Clay
- Cloud
- Comanche
- Decatur
- Dickinson
- Doniphan
- Edwards
- Ellis
- Ellsworth
- Finney
- Ford
- Geary
- Gove
- Graham
- Grant
- Gray
- Greeley
- Hamilton
- Harper
- Harvey
- Haskell
- Hodgeman
- Jackson
- Jewell
- Kearny
- Kingman
- Kiowa
- Lane
- Lincoln
- Logan
- Marshall
- McPherson
- Meade
- Mitchell
- Morris
- Morton
- Nemaha
- Ness
- Norton
- Osborne
- Ottawa
- Pawnee
- Phillips
- Pottawatomie
- Pratt
- Rawlins
- Reno
- Republic
- Rice
- Riley
- Rooks
- Rush
- Russell
- Saline
- Scott
- Seward
- Sheridan
- Sherman
- Smith
- Stafford
- Stanton
- Stevens
- Thomas
- Trego
- Wabaunsee
- Wallace
- Washington
- Wichita
Vacant - Contact Jason Osterhaus, Director, Provider Relations
- Allen
- Anderson
- Bourbon
- Butler
- Chase
- Chautauqua
- Cherokee
- Coffey
- Cowley
- Crawford
- Elk
- Greenwood
- Labette
- Linn
- Lyon
- Marion
- Montgomery
- Neosho
- Osage
- Sedgwick
- Sumner
- Wilson
- Woodson
VACANT - Contact Amy Hudson, Manager, Provider Relations
- Atchison
- Douglas
- Franklin
- Jefferson
- Johnson
- Leavenworth
- Miami
- Shawnee
- Wyandotte
We Welcome Your Feedback
We endeavor to give our providers the very best service. To help us understand whether we are meeting that goal, we invite you to send us feedback on your provider representative. You may also request to have your provider representative visit your office.